Annual Business Meeting |05.22.11
Please join us at 3:30PM in the Sanctuary. This is an important opportunity for members and those interested to join together for our church family direction and business. Dinner provided in the gym following the meeting.
Guatemala Fund Raiser |05.28.11
If you would like to support the Guatemala Team or Heather P's internship in Portugal, please make plans to attend.
VBC Graduation |06.05.11
Make plans to attend our graduates and their accomplishments during the Sunday School hour
Second Harvest |06.11.11
Come be the hands and feet of Christ to our community this Saturday at 8AM. See Sarah A or Kim B. for more information. Bring your empty bags and boxes. s
Mission Trip to Guatemala |06.23-30.11
Please begin praying for the team that will be going to help Selvin & Laurie
Women of Faith |09.10-11.11
Sign ups are opend, and we have 50 seats available. Women, you don't want to miss this!
VBC to Israel! |2013
Start saving now for a trip of a lifetime! See Pastor Andrew for more information.