- Adult Education
Our adult education hour follows the morning worship service and provides opportunities to dig into God’s Word in a smaller group setting. We currently have a general class with elective opportunities including college, young marrieds, and marriage & family classes. Additionally, we are starting a Welcome to Village class and will be offering various other electives for both specific age groups and specific topics.
- FIT: Finding Identity Together A new ministry of Village Bible Church for young adults (21+) In F.I. T. we are seeking to walk through life together, helping each member to find his/her identity in the midst of God’s purpose for this season of life. At the same time, we are finding our FIT within the life and mission of the Church as a whole so that there may be growth within the body, both individually and collectively.
- College
Our college ministry is designed around building ministry, community building, and spiritual growth activities as our college students continue to integrate into the whole of the church body. They are involved in virtually every ministry on campus and play a vital role at Village. Sunday school is a combination of worship, Bible study, and testimonies from older adults in the church.
- High School
Our high school group is designed to be a place for high school students to meet together for God-centered fellowship and spiritual growth. Regular events like Sunday school and Reality Check (our Tuesday night worship service) give an awesome opportunity for high schoolers to come together to serve and worship our God in a safe and welcoming environment.
- Junior High Delta Force
Junior high ministry at VBC seeks to teach students more about God and get them involved in studying His word. There is always something interesting going on in junior high, whether we're smashing watermelons while we study Job or playing steal the bacon with real bacon! Junior high meets on Sunday mornings after the worship service, and on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Friday nights of the month.
- Children's Ministry
Get your engines started as we rev up for this year's new road trip down Routh 66! The beginnings of Route 66 Children's Ministry stem from the passage of Deuteronomy 6:6, which talks about making God a part of our everyday experiences. As a Children's Ministry, we want to partner with you and your child in the development of their spiritual journey.
- Women's Ministry
As an extension of the ministries at Village Bible Church, our mission is to:
• Endeavor to reach out to women in our church and community
• Encourage community through events designed just for women
• Equip and Engage women in the study of God’s Word
• Energize women to Embark on various ministry opportunities within Village Bible Church
- Home Groups
Our home group ministry provides an opportunity to study God’s Word and build community in a home setting. Each home group consists of study, prayer, and care, and is a great way to get to know people and get connected at Village.
- Second Harvest Food Bank
We have partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank, an Orange County organization that helps deliver fruit, vegetables, and dry goods to our church parking lot on the second Saturday of every month for distribution to the needy in our neighborhood. This organization was created to solicit and coordinate donations, grants, fundraising, food drives, food rescue, gleaning, and volunteers to supply food, education and advocacy for the hungry through non-profit partners and direct feeding programs.
- Missions
We are committed to a strong, supported missions ministry that is actively seeking to fulfill the great commission. We have opportunities both to send - through Faith Promise, Missions Conferences, and interaction with our missionaries - and to go on various missions trips.
- Worship Team
Our worship team ministry provides a wonderful way for those gifted with musical arts to worship in a blended worship service that integrates familiar songs of the faith with new songs that express the joy of worshipping our Lord.
- Family Building
At Village, we are committed to building Christ-focused families. Our family ministries include Sunday School electives on marriage and family, family activities, and a family focus through all of our ministries, including children’s and youth ministries.
- Village Bible Academy
Village Bible Academy is a home school ISP that is a ministry of Village. This ministry provides administrative and legal support, as well as cooperative classes, to assist parents who choose to home school their children. We also are a Biola Star site.
- Jameslist
Jameslist is an opportunity to be the community of God and meet each others' needs, in accordance with James 1:27. It is our own version of a church bulletin board, where church members can post physical needs they have and opportunities to serve one another by also meeting some of those needs. Take a look around and see if there are any ways YOU can be God's answer to prayer! May we show the love of our Father in this tangible way. We're excited to see what God does as we are devoted to Him!