Getting to Know Biblical Interpretation

Preacher: Ron Johnson | Series: Playing With Fire

Week one of our education class based on the book “Playing With Fire”, by Walt Russell. What is interpretation and what is the value of proper interpretation?

Colossians and Philemon Reading Service

Bible Text: Colossians 1:1-4:18, Philemon 1:1-25 | Preacher: Ron Johnson | Series: Deeply Rooted | Radically Changed

The congregation read through Colossians and Philemon focusing on elements of what it means to be In Christ and how that applies to discipleship.

“In Christ” Meddles With Life: Forgiveness and Discipleship (2) (Philemon 8-25)

Bible Text: Philemon 1:8-25 | Preacher: Ron Johnson | Series: Deeply Rooted | Radically Changed

Paul writes to Philemon to encourage him to forgive and accept Onesimus into the church even after Onesimus had stolen money and run away from Philemon. As we see how Paul leads Philemon, we learn lessons on how to help others in Christ and have spiritual influence.

Radically Changed Households (Col 3:18-4:1)

Bible Text: Colossians 3:18-4:1 | Preacher: Ron Johnson | Series: Deeply Rooted | Radically Changed

Paul gives instructions to husbands/wives, parents/children, and employers/employees for daily living in Christ.

Whatever You Do…Worship (Col 3:16-17)

Bible Text: Colossians 3:16-17 | Preacher: Ron Johnson | Series: Deeply Rooted | Radically Changed

To make Christ part of our everyday lives, we must have a commitment to His Word, His Work, and His reputation. Our worship in community will be a direct evidence of this. How should we consider others as more important than ourselves in worship?

Community Clothes (Col 3:12-15)

Bible Text: Colossians 3:12-15 | Preacher: Ron Johnson | Series: Deeply Rooted | Radically Changed

What qualities are essential for unity in the body of Christ? Paul goes through things to put on that would enable the body to function in peaceful unity that comes from Christ.

Getting Rid of the Smell (Col 3:5-11)

Bible Text: Colossians 3:5-11 | Preacher: Ron Johnson | Series: Deeply Rooted | Radically Changed

We are encouraged to eliminate those things in our lives that lead to sexual immorality and to eliminate anger and its results. We are new creations in Christ and these have no place.

Not of This World (Col 2:20-3:4)

Bible Text: Colossians 2:20-3:4 | Preacher: Ron Johnson | Series: Deeply Rooted | Radically Changed

What is the core of being radically changed? We explore what our response to being raised with Christ should be. We must evaluate our ambitions, thoughts, and hopes to see if they match Christ’s.

Something Worth Fighting For (Col 2:1-5)

Bible Text: Colossians 2:1-5 | Preacher: Ron Johnson | Series: Deeply Rooted | Radically Changed

Discover how Paul viewed the church and what is important for us all to strive for in the church.