More Than Rocks: Leaving A Spiritual Legacy (Joshua 4)

Bible Text: Joshua 4:1-24 | Preacher: Ron Johnson | Series: Following His Lead

As we look at God’s instructions to Joshua to memorialize God’s Work so the people do not forget, we are challenged to do the same thing in our own lives.

Stepping Into The Water (Joshua 3)

Bible Text: Joshua 3:1-17 | Preacher: Ron Johnson | Series: Following His Lead

In this passage, Joshua led the people across the Jordan at God’s direction. We can learn much from this story about following God’s leading ourselves.

Strong and Courageous (Joshua 1)

Bible Text: Joshua 1:1-18 | Preacher: Ron Johnson | Series: Following His Lead

God challenges Joshua to be strong and courageous and follow Him in faith.

Stepping Out in Faith for the Faithful One (Josh 1:1-2)

Bible Text: Joshua 1:1-2 | Preacher: Ron Johnson | Series: Following His Lead

As we begin studying the book of Joshua, we look at the historical context, the person of Joshua, and the great themes that we will find in this book. It is a book that challenges us to follow where God leads because He is the Faithful One.

1st and 2nd Timothy Reading Service

Bible Text: 1 Timothy 1:1-2 Timothy 4:22 | Preacher: Ron Johnson | Series: Entrusted: His Purpose, Our Focus

In this service we read through the books of 1 and 2 Timothy as a church body. Allow God’s Word to penetrate your heart and mind!

Finishing Well (2 Tim 4:1-8)

Bible Text: 2 Timothy 4:1-8 | Preacher: Ron Johnson | Series: Entrusted: His Purpose, Our Focus

Paul gives his last admonition to Timothy and it’s all about persevering in the Word and finishing well.