Supporting and Not Destroying the Testimony of God’s Church
We are undistracted as church family when we support the testimony of the church rather than destroy it.
We are undistracted as church family when we support the testimony of the church rather than destroy it.
Just as in a nuclear family, all should help out, the same is true in a church family. God has ordained that stability and growth come as all serve and use their gifts and abilities.
Is it a chore or a joyful responsibility to participate in the mission of the church. God has called each of us to be part of the purpose of the church in doing His work.
We covenant together to protect the unity of God’s church through love, forgiveness, encouragement, and following well.
Our direction this year as a church is to be undistracted by worldly things and lesser things and be committed to the main things of seeking God and doing His work.
Today we remember and celebrate what God has done in 2020 through testimonies and prayer.
Christmas at Village as we celebrate that true hope arrived in that manger to save us from our sins and from a fallen world
Join us as we read through the entire book of Daniel together
Even when you don’t have all the answers in the worst of trouble, persevere and live for God because He absolutely is delivering you
God answers Daniel’s for Jerusalem and his people by showing how Jesus will ultimately reconcile us to God and set up His eternal kingdom