As an extension of the ministries at Village Bible Church, our mission is to:
- Endeavor to reach out to women in our church and community.
- Encourage community through events designed just for women.
- Equip and Engage women in the study of God’s Word.
- Energize women to embark on various ministry opportunities within Village Bible Church.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30
Ways to Get Involved

Women's Bible Study
Led by Jennifer
Thurs. mornings 9:30-11:00 in prayer room
~ Breaks for summer

Park Days
In the summer, join us at the park or by the pool for one of our weekday morning hangout times. Kids welcome!

Escape the Grind
Spend an evening with friends, coffee, tea and dessert

Women's Retreat
Each year we hold a women's retreat rotating between the mountains, a hotel, and a one day format. This is a great opportunity for deeper study as community.