Leader's Training:
- Leader's Role #1 - Praying
- Leader's Role #2 - Shepherding
- Leader's Role #3 - Leading
- Leader's Role #4 - Hosting
Complete Group Leader Training Doc
Community Groups Sample First Meeting
Other Resources:
- Sticky Church by Larry Osborne
- Community by Brad House
The Roles of a Community Group Leader
- Praying - This is an intercessory role that is separate from the group’s prayer time. We should be praying for those we are shepherding daily. This means we must remember their prayer requests and actually pray for them. Not only are we to be praying for the members of our group, but also that the Holy Spirit would guide and direct our own leadership.
- Shepherding - The role of shepherd involves the aspects of caring, guiding, and reproducing. It is vital that the leader knows and cares for the individual members of the group. Notice when someone is not participating in conversation or has not been there. Be willing to talk and invest in people’s lives. The shepherd also guides the group. Someone has to end snack and fellowship time and keep things flowing. In this setting, that should be done fairly casually, but still done. Also, part of this role is to be reproducing other community group leaders. To do this, we identify those with the gifting to lead and start allowing them opportunities to do so.
- Leading - Your third role is to lead the group time of discussion and prayer. You don’t have to be a content expert, but rather be able to ask good questions and use the discussion guide well. As you listen, your follow-up questions will be key to engaging the group. It is also important to be sensitive in how we lead a prayer time as this becomes a powerful time of care between group members.
- Hosting / Host Home Role - This role must be filled by the group leader, but also can be shared with a host home. This sharing often creates a wonderful opportunity for another to use their gifts of hospitality while freeing the leader to focus on shepherding. Your objective is to create a warm, inviting place for community group to happen. This most likely includes welcoming, drinks, facilitating snacks, and making sure there are no distractions.

Leader's Training:
- Leader's Role #1 - Praying
- Leader's Role #2 - Shepherding
- Leader's Role #3 - Leading
- Leader's Role #4 - Hosting
Complete Group Leader Training Doc
Community Groups Sample First Meeting
Other Resources:
- Sticky Church by Larry Osborne
- Community by Brad House
The Roles of a Community Group Leader
- Praying - This is an intercessory role that is separate from the group’s prayer time. We should be praying for those we are shepherding daily. This means we must remember their prayer requests and actually pray for them. Not only are we to be praying for the members of our group, but also that the Holy Spirit would guide and direct our own leadership.
- Shepherding - The role of shepherd involves the aspects of caring, guiding, and reproducing. It is vital that the leader knows and cares for the individual members of the group. Notice when someone is not participating in conversation or has not been there. Be willing to talk and invest in people’s lives. The shepherd also guides the group. Someone has to end snack and fellowship time and keep things flowing. In this setting, that should be done fairly casually, but still done. Also, part of this role is to be reproducing other community group leaders. To do this, we identify those with the gifting to lead and start allowing them opportunities to do so.
- Leading - Your third role is to lead the group time of discussion and prayer. You don’t have to be a content expert, but rather be able to ask good questions and use the discussion guide well. As you listen, your follow-up questions will be key to engaging the group. It is also important to be sensitive in how we lead a prayer time as this becomes a powerful time of care between group members.
- Hosting / Host Home Role - This role must be filled by the group leader, but also can be shared with a host home. This sharing often creates a wonderful opportunity for another to use their gifts of hospitality while freeing the leader to focus on shepherding. Your objective is to create a warm, inviting place for community group to happen. This most likely includes welcoming, drinks, facilitating snacks, and making sure there are no distractions.