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David uses a lament song to pour out his heart to God, plea for help, and choose to declare his praise and trust in God even in the pain
The purpose of these songs is to direct our whole self to worship the LORD and bring Him glory

Only Jesus

June 20, 2021
We don't remove idols, we must replace them. The heart will always love something. Let's focus on reveling in the work of Jesus and loving Him more.
Idol of CONTROL – an over-desire for certainty, security and wants by having everything go according to my plan through control of self, circumstances, environment and others.
Deep idol of Comfort – A longing for comfort, pleasure and satisfaction from experiences, things, and people or an over-desire for avoidance of anything painful, stressful or hard
Deep Idol of Approval – An over-desire to please, be accepted, affirmed, desired or loved
The deep idol of power is a longing for influence, recognition, superiority or achievement
What do idols do to us and how can we get rid of them? We must identify them and recognize deep idols that are the sin beneath the sin.
An idol is anything that takes the place of God as ultimate in our worship, love, and lives
The grace of God saves and trains us to live out our faith practically towards each other
Because we have been saved by God’s mercy out of our former lives enslaved by sin, we should live humbly and respectfully to those around us who also need salvation.
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