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Saul’s false beliefs and roadblocks to following Jesus are confronted by a very alive Jesus, and Saul  is saved to continue spreading the Gospel
God directs Philip to share the Gospel with an Ethiopian eunuch showing that salvation is for all people and giving us an example of Spirit directed outreach
The ravaged church powerfully spreads to Judea and Samaria in the middle of difficulties through those that are genuinely repentant at heart

Vision Sunday

January 16, 2022
As we look forward to 2022, we ReDiscover the essentials of the church by looking at our core values of Outreach, Community, Spiritual Growth, and Ministry
Stephen is arrested and about to be killed, but delivers a powerful Gospel message showing that Jesus is primary in his life.
The church addresses a potentially divisive situation by adding servant leaders equipped to restore unity by making sure everyone’s needs were met allowing the Gospel to flourish
Join us as we remember what God has done in 2021 and Celebrate His work
The apostles arrested again and told not to preach, which they promptly did upon release. The unquenchable Gospel in action!
God reveals and deals with the sin Satan attempts to use to derail the growing, unified, vibrant church
Opposition to the Gospel rises, but the Holy Spirit emboldens the church to continue His work
When God’s people do God’s work by the Spirit, God’s power is seen which opens opportunities for the Gospel
The spiritual, relational, and material fellowship of the church drew others to Christ as it powerfully showed the working of the Holy Spirit
On the Day of Pentecost, God's promise was fulfilled with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the forming of the church
The disciples actively waited for the Holy Spirit through community, prayer, the Word, and obedience, preparing themselves to do the work of Christ.
God formed and empowered His church as a Gospel community to continue the work of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.

Psalms Reading Service

September 26, 2021

The first steps in preparing for worship are to give up the distractions of this world and counter our self-reliance with a need for God.

Known (Psalm 139)

September 5, 2021
God fully knows and cares about us, so trust His plans, hold to His truth, and allow Him to refine you.
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