Our Sunday messages are available for online listening below. Click play, and the file will play from this page. You may also click on any of the fields to filter or sort to find a specific message. You may also subscribe to our podcast to regularly receive the messages. Links to past series may be found at the bottom.
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The church addresses a potentially divisive situation by adding servant leaders equipped to restore unity by making sure everyone’s needs were met allowing the Gospel to flourish
The apostles arrested again and told not to preach, which they promptly did upon release. The unquenchable Gospel in action!
God reveals and deals with the sin Satan attempts to use to derail the growing, unified, vibrant church
Opposition to the Gospel rises, but the Holy Spirit emboldens the church to continue His work
When God’s people do God’s work by the Spirit, God’s power is seen which opens opportunities for the Gospel
The spiritual, relational, and material fellowship of the church drew others to Christ as it powerfully showed the working of the Holy Spirit
On the Day of Pentecost, God's promise was fulfilled with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the forming of the church
The disciples actively waited for the Holy Spirit through community, prayer, the Word, and obedience, preparing themselves to do the work of Christ.
God formed and empowered His church as a Gospel community to continue the work of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.
The first steps in preparing for worship are to give up the distractions of this world and counter our self-reliance with a need for God.
God fully knows and cares about us, so trust His plans, hold to His truth, and allow Him to refine you.
Past Message Series
1 & 2 Thessalonians: Essentials of a Life Pleasing To God
24/7 - Real Faith In Real Life
Behold Our God: A Study of the Names of God
Being Family
Deep Idols
Deeply Rooted | Radically Changed
DOCTRINE - God's Word
Doctrine: Holy Spirit
Entrusted: His Purpose, Our Focus
Esther: Seeing God's Sovereign Hand When He Seems Unseen
Family Discipleship
Father's Day
Following His Lead
Godly Living in an Ungodly World
Godly Living in an Ungodly World - TransFORMED
Hope That Crushes Darkness - Isaiah
Mother's Day
Our Certain Salvation
Playing With Fire
Reproduce: Called To Disciple
Sanctity of Life
The Seven
UnDistracted Godliness
Unshakable: standing with the MOST HIGH
When God Chose Sandals