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The Threats of Slander, Lies, and Success


April 17, 2022
We visit the empty tomb with the first witnesses to the resurrection and are reminded that we are called to continue to be witnesses.
Paul powerfully shares the Gospel on his first missions trip
The Holy Spirit calls the church to send out witnesses to reach a lost world for Christ, and they obey His call
Through Herod, Satan attempts to stop God’s work before it spreads, but the church relies on God in prayer and God intervenes showing that He is God and Herod is…
God’s new work to the Gentiles is questioned and then embraced by the Jerusalem church allowing the Gospel to spread to Jews and Gentiles in Antioch which became the hub…
God dramatically expands the church by confronting Peter’s bias leading Peter to obey and share the Gospel to Gentiles opening the door for all who believe to be part of…
God works powerfully through Peter to spread the Gospel even while preparing him to get past his own prejudice and reach Gentiles
The new life from the Holy Spirit is clear as Saul immediately starts to powerfully preach the Gospel and the church overcomes concerns to welcome him
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