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John the Baptist lived a life that wonderfully pointed to Christ. He humbled himself and elevated Jesus as one whose sandals John was not even worthy to untie.
Introduction to the series studying through the Gospel of Mark.
While we hold to the 5 sola doctrines, we also affirm that God created us to be in community. We are not to be solo Christians, but rather serve and…
The final sola instructs us that all we do is to be for the glory of God. Anything else is a poor substitute for God's glory.
These are the notes from the sermon describing faith alone. We do not have audio from the morning. Salvation comes through no effort or work of our own, but only…
Salvation is available to those who believe only because of God's grace. It is completely undeserved and unearned. Praise God for His unmerited grace!
In this message, we see that Christ alone provides salvation. It is only by His work on the cross that any that believe on Him may be saved. Is Christ…
What version of the Bible is reliable? We cover various ways of translating scripture and a challenge to study God's Word.
How did the current books of the Bible come to be included? We discuss 5 criteria the early church used to discover what books the Holy Spirit inspired.
Part 2 of evidences defending the inspiration of scripture. How do we know the Bible is true?
Part 1 of general evidence for the inspiration of scripture. How do we know the Bible is true?
God's Word is sufficient for all of our needs and for our knowledge of God and godly living.
Past Message Series
1 & 2 Thessalonians: Essentials of a Life Pleasing To God
24/7 - Real Faith In Real Life
Behold Our God: A Study of the Names of God
Being Family
Deep Idols
Deeply Rooted | Radically Changed
DOCTRINE - God's Word
Doctrine: Holy Spirit
Entrusted: His Purpose, Our Focus
Esther: Seeing God's Sovereign Hand When He Seems Unseen
Family Discipleship
Father's Day
Following His Lead
Godly Living in an Ungodly World
Godly Living in an Ungodly World - TransFORMED
Hope That Crushes Darkness - Isaiah
Mother's Day
Our Certain Salvation
Playing With Fire
Reproduce: Called To Disciple
Sanctity of Life
The Seven
UnDistracted Godliness
Unshakable: standing with the MOST HIGH
When God Chose Sandals