Our Sunday messages are available for online listening below. Click play, and the file will play from this page. You may also click on any of the fields to filter or sort to find a specific message. You may also subscribe to our podcast to regularly receive the messages. Links to past series may be found at the bottom.
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When Jesus, Peter, James, and John come down from the transfiguration, the other 9 disciples were unable to cast out a demon. Jesus reveals their faithlessness and shows how it…
Peter rebukes Jesus for saying that He must suffer and die. It is a confrontation between Peter's ideas and the will of God. We must all deny ourselves, take up…
Jesus heals a blind man in a 2 stage healing to illustrate the disciples' spiritual state. They were starting to realize He was the Messiah, but not that His mission…
The pharisees attack Jesus for letting His disciples eat without ceremonially washing their hands. Jesus teaches that what comes out of our heart is what defiles us, not the traditions…
Jesus sent the disciples across the lake as we went off to pray. They encountered a storm that they could not row through while they were alone. Jesus walked on…
After the disciple's missions trips, their rest with Jesus is interrupted by crowds. Jesus teaches compassion and perseverance in ministry by feeding the 5000 men and their families.
Jesus prepares to send out the 12 to share the gospel and touch lives by taking them along to Nazareth. He then sends them out with instructions that they would…
Jesus heals the woman with the flow of blood and then brings back Jairus' daughter from the dead. He shows absolute power and compassion at the same time.
Jesus casts multiple demons (Legion) out of the possessed man displaying His absolute power over Satan and sin. Through His work on the cross, He makes us new creations!
9 Characteristics of spiritual fathers in the church and a challenge to honor them like we do our own fathers.
Past Message Series
1 & 2 Thessalonians: Essentials of a Life Pleasing To God
24/7 - Real Faith In Real Life
Behold Our God: A Study of the Names of God
Being Family
Deep Idols
Deeply Rooted | Radically Changed
DOCTRINE - God's Word
Doctrine: Holy Spirit
Entrusted: His Purpose, Our Focus
Esther: Seeing God's Sovereign Hand When He Seems Unseen
Family Discipleship
Father's Day
Following His Lead
Godly Living in an Ungodly World
Godly Living in an Ungodly World - TransFORMED
Hope That Crushes Darkness - Isaiah
Mother's Day
Our Certain Salvation
Playing With Fire
Reproduce: Called To Disciple
Sanctity of Life
The Seven
UnDistracted Godliness
Unshakable: standing with the MOST HIGH
When God Chose Sandals