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The religious leaders confront Jesus about cleansing the temple, but He uses it as an opportunity to show how unreceptive their hearts were. What blinds us to the work of…
The fig tree provides a living parable: the temple looked fruitful but in fact was fruitless, just like the fig tree on the side of the road. The missing ingredient…
Pastor Ron discusses how our vision statement, "Building Christ focused families that disciple their community for Him," will impact Village this year. We will be focusing on reproducing disciples through…
We are challenged with how to respond to Jesus' birth by looking at the Magi and their response of joy, worship, and giving.
If we are to give like Jesus this Christmas, we need to understand how He gave. Listen and discover how Jesus gave intentionally, personally, sacrificially, and abundantly.
On Monday of Passion Week, Jesus curses a fig tree for not bearing fruit and then clears the vendors out of the temple as they were keeping Gentiles from prayer…
Jesus reveals that He is the Messiah as He enters Jerusalem in the triumphal entry. May we see Him in awe as King and worship Him, trusting that He is…
As He travels from Jericho to Jerusalem towards the cross, Jesus stops and heals a blind man. This blind man exhibits faith and discipleship in the midst of difficulty and…
Jesus compares how his disciples should lead with how the world leads. There is a remarkable difference between servant leadership and power leadership. Pastor Ron gives an overview from scripture…
Jesus predicts his death one more time to show the disciples what servant leadership really is. He came to serve and be a ransom for many!
Jesus teaches that an attitude of humble dependence and surrender like a child is required to be saved.

One of our missionaries, Fernando Napoles, challenges us to be willing to present the gospel to the world.
Jesus describes God's plan for marriage as one of intimacy and permanency. This week we discuss how to build closeness in your marriage and build a marriage pleasing to God…
In a culture where divorce is seen as normal and a viable option, Jesus' words of instruction about the permanence of marriage are vital. It is important we come back…
Jesus continues to teach the disciples that following Him means abandoning self. In this passage, Jesus shows that a disciple deals with sin seriously and decisively.

When Jesus, Peter, James, and John come down from the transfiguration, the other 9 disciples were unable to cast out a demon. Jesus reveals their faithlessness and shows how it…
Peter rebukes Jesus for saying that He must suffer and die. It is a confrontation between Peter's ideas and the will of God. We must all deny ourselves, take up…
Jesus heals a blind man in a 2 stage healing to illustrate the disciples' spiritual state. They were starting to realize He was the Messiah, but not that His mission…



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