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Introduction to our series on 1 & 2 Timothy. We are entrusted with the Gospel, to fight the good fight, and to use our gifts for God's purposes. Let's take…
Throughout scripture we are commanded to honor our father and mother. What does this mean for fathers? What are dads looking for in the honor department?
As we finish our series on the seven churches of Revelation, we read through chapters 1 through 5 and reflect on what Christ wants for His church.
Today we explore the meaning and practice of the Lord's Supper. May we treat this ordinance reverently and in community.
Christ is disgusted at self-sufficiency in the church. When we have everything we think we need and do not need Christ, we are actually wretched and pitiable.
God created moms and dads with different strengths to complement each other and to create godly homes. We honor mothers today as designed by God!
Christ wants a church that sees His work and follows it no matter the obstacles.

Sardis (Rev 3:1-6)

April 21, 2013

Christ wants a church that will not tolerate compromise and immorality so it can do His work.
Christ commends the church for boldly holding up the name of Christ, but also criticizes them for their compromise in allowing false teaching into the church.
Pastor Ron shares 5 reasons of how the resurrection impacts us today. He is risen! And it matters!

Christ's message to Ephesus and to the church is that it is good to serve and hold to solid doctrine, but it is vital that our first love is Christ!…
An intro to a series exploring what Christ says to the seven churches of Revelation. Out of this we can see what Christ is expecting of His church today. We…
Today we read through all of the attributes of God and verses for each one. It is an awesome thing to hear all of God's attributes at once! Be awestruck,…
As we close our study on the attributes of God, we are reminded that this is not just to be head knowledge, but transforming knowledge as we imitate God's attributes…

The Weight of Glory

February 17, 2013
God's glory is the sum of all His attributes, nature, and actions. The only reasonable response is to give Him praise and glory!
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