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Paul encourages Timothy to be unashamed of the Gospel and of him in prison. Let's stand tall for Christ and proclaim the glory of salvation!
As Paul begins 2 Timothy, he encourages Timothy by reminding him of his spiritual heritage. We stand in a line of believers, not alone!

How should we view wealth? This passage exhorts us not to be proud or dependent on wealth, but to use what God has given to do His work and to…
Paul gives his final commission to Timothy in the book and instructs him on how to be a man of God. We can learn to flee, pursue, fight, hold, and…
Paul addresses two areas that can destroy the servant of God. The first is that the false teachers were motivated by self. The second is a call to watch out…
Paul gives Timothy instructions for how to pay pastors, correct elders and pastors, and choose them.
This passage gives us instructions for how to help widows in our church family. We also see examples of how women should live godly lives.
Join us as we explore the biblical doctrine of the church as a family and discuss how that begins to change how we interact with each other.

In this text we are challenged to take godliness seriously and train/discipline ourselves in godliness. We may not like physical exercise, but spiritual exercise is essential!
Paul deals with the false teaching that you must give up certain things to draw close to God. However, God wants us to enjoy Him and the wonderful gifts He…
Paul warns the church to be on guard against false teaching and reminds us that the true source is demonic.

As we go through this text we will see a number of qualifications for elders in the church. Then church needs men to step up and lead, and these qualifications…
As we finish studying this passage, we see that God has designed men and women differently and given them different responsibilities, yet they are equal before Him. When we reverse…
God created male and female equal in His image, but with different roles and responsibilities. This is week one of exploring how men are to engage and lead and women…
The first and most important step in waging the good warfare is to be committed to prayer. Pray for all to hear the Gospel and for an environment to share…
Paul charges Timothy to wage the good warfare by holding to faith and living what he believes. A good reminder for all of us.
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