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In this passage, Joshua led the people across the Jordan at God's direction. We can learn much from this story about following God's leading ourselves.

God challenges Joshua to be strong and courageous and follow Him in faith.
As we begin studying the book of Joshua, we look at the historical context, the person of Joshua, and the great themes that we will find in this book. It…

In this service we read through the books of 1 and 2 Timothy as a church body. Allow God's Word to penetrate your heart and mind!

Paul gives his last admonition to Timothy and it's all about persevering in the Word and finishing well.
Paul shares with Timothy insight to keep him from going down the self-love, deceived path of the false teachers. Discipleship and God's Word are powerful equippers in the life of…
We continue to study how to be a vessel of honor usable to God. In the face of an increasingly dark world, Paul encourages us to stand strong and watch…
Paul instructs how to be useful vessels to God. We must be cleansed and pursue godly motives and attitudes.
This week we explore some practical ways to be God's church in each of our core values: outreach, community, spiritual growth, and ministry. We also introduce the Acts 4 ministry.
We explore our theme for the year, "Be God's Church, Build God's Church: Losing Our Lives For The Kingdom." God is using us to build His church beyond Sunday mornings.…
In this text we are reminded to remember God's Son, God's Word, God's people, and God's promises. Doing so will give strength and encouragement to ministry and service of our…
Simeon gives us a great example of how to glory in Christ, the newborn King!
What does it mean that Jesus is THE King? We trace the kingship battle back to creation and end with the magi who help us remember to worship the King.
Paul continues to give principles to follow for effective discipleship. In this passage, we are to be soldiers, farmers, and athletes. Listen to find out what each represents.
Paul gets to the heart of his instruction with two commands for Timothy and for us. Find strength in Christ's grace and pass on the faith to others. No excuses!
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