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In his final sermon, Joshua challenges the people to commit themselves to God by remembering His work and serving Him alone. We are still called to do this today.

In these chapters, we follow the Israelites as they conquer first the southern part of the land and then the northern. It is an incredible example of the combination of…

Joshua was God's man called to lead His people. Dad's are also God's men called to lead their families. We explore 10 principles from Joshua's leadership for leadership in the…
After Achan's sin is dealt with, God restores Joshua and the people to Himself and to His work. Praise God for His grace and mercy!
The Israelites are soundly defeated at Ai because there is sin in the camp. Achan had taken some of the devoted things and cost the entire nation. Sin must be…
As we look at the familiar story of the conquest of Jericho, we are reminded that the battle is God's and our responsibility, like Joshua's, is obedience. As we obey,…
Happy Mother's Day! Hannah was a mom that influenced a nation through her son Samuel. She dealt with broken dreams, trust in God, and finally giving her son to God…
We would think this is the time to attack, but God instructs the nation to get their hearts right before going to battle. It is the same lesson we need…
As we look at God's instructions to Joshua to memorialize God's Work so the people do not forget, we are challenged to do the same thing in our own lives.
The resurrection is an essential part of the Gospel! In this message, we look at 10 statements about the resurrection from 1 Cor 15 that help us see why the…
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