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At the end of all the things Paul has addressed about living godly lives in an ungodly world, we come to the power of the Gospel and the resurrection. Understanding…
As we wrap-up 1 Cor. 12-14, we want to look at 1 Peter 4:10-11 to see how we should use our gifts. We are to be servants and stewards. We…
Paul now deals with the specifics of the abuse of tongues in the church at Corinth. As we look at his instruction though, we see principles for how we should…
In the middle of the discussion of spiritual gifts and ministries in the church, Paul says "By the way, let's talk about love." It is the essential ingredient in ministry…
We continue looking at how believers are gifted through the Holy Spirit to do just what God wants for His church.
Remembering Christ in communion also means remembering His body, the church. When we come together, it is vital that we care for and love each other as each is a…
How do we know the resurrection actually happened? Pastor Ron talks about just seven of the evidences that affirm our faith in God because of the resurrection. He is Risen,…
In this passage, Paul addresses the conduct of men and women toward each other and God in the worship gathering. The good news is that women don't have to wear…
We discuss five questions that will help us determine what we SHOULD do in grey areas as opposed to what we CAN do.
Paul's next lesson on grey areas uses Jewish history to show the dangers of thinking they are strong and above temptation. Their "freedom" was actually sin at times. Let's learn…
Paul shares his "Outreach Principle" that he is all things to all men that by all means he might save some. What an example to follow!
Paul continues his discussion of actions that destroy the faith of a brother or sister in Christ by using his own example. He was an apostle with full rights as…
Singleness is not something to be looked down in God's church. Rather, God has gifted His church with singles and married people and both are needed and valuable to accomplish…
Past Message Series
1 & 2 Thessalonians: Essentials of a Life Pleasing To God
24/7 - Real Faith In Real Life
Behold Our God: A Study of the Names of God
Being Family
Deep Idols
Deeply Rooted | Radically Changed
DOCTRINE - God's Word
Doctrine: Holy Spirit
Entrusted: His Purpose, Our Focus
Esther: Seeing God's Sovereign Hand When He Seems Unseen
Family Discipleship
Father's Day
Following His Lead
Godly Living in an Ungodly World
Godly Living in an Ungodly World - TransFORMED
Hope That Crushes Darkness - Isaiah
Mother's Day
Our Certain Salvation
Playing With Fire
Reproduce: Called To Disciple
Sanctity of Life
The Seven
UnDistracted Godliness
Unshakable: standing with the MOST HIGH
When God Chose Sandals