Our Sunday messages are available for online listening below. Click play, and the file will play from this page. You may also click on any of the fields to filter or sort to find a specific message. You may also subscribe to our podcast to regularly receive the messages. Links to past series may be found at the bottom.

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  1. Click download next to the message you’d like to save
  2. Chose your destination (the file must be saved as a .mp3 file)
  3. If iTunes does not automatically include the file in your library, you can right-click the file (once it’s saved to your computer) and select “Open With” then select “iTunes” and the file should be included in your iTunes library. Next time you sync your iPod, the file should transfer.

Join us as we being our study of Isaiah by exploring the background and themes of this book.
Paul ends by calling us to examine ourselves to see if we are right with God and right with others. Be restored in all relationships!

This is the second in a series of how to love God in the home. How can we include family worship into the life of the home? You Can!

In this text, we continue to see principles for giving and reasons for giving.
God has called each of us to love God and love others. How do we do that in the home? This is the first in a series of practical ways…
In this text, Paul challenges us to be a giving people. Why should we give and how much?


March 27, 2016

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Past Message Series