Our Sunday messages are available for online listening below. Click play, and the file will play from this page. You may also click on any of the fields to filter or sort to find a specific message. You may also subscribe to our podcast to regularly receive the messages. Links to past series may be found at the bottom.
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Honor God by being an exemplary employee at work so that they will see Christ in you.
The older are to be an example of godliness as they teach and train the younger to live out sound doctrine in everyday life
Choose leadership in the church based on spiritual qualifications and godliness rather than expedience or popularity.
We are undistracted as church family when we support the testimony of the church rather than destroy it.
Just as in a nuclear family, all should help out, the same is true in a church family. God has ordained that stability and growth come as all serve and…
Is it a chore or a joyful responsibility to participate in the mission of the church. God has called each of us to be part of the purpose of the…
We covenant together to protect the unity of God's church through love, forgiveness, encouragement, and following well.
Our direction this year as a church is to be undistracted by worldly things and lesser things and be committed to the main things of seeking God and doing His…
Habakkuk wrestles with the sovereignty of God and we find that we can trust God no matter what our limited view sees.
Today we remember and celebrate what God has done in 2020 through testimonies and prayer.
Christmas at Village as we celebrate that true hope arrived in that manger to save us from our sins and from a fallen world
A look at God's instructions to remember and celebrate His work through the Old Testament Feasts
Persevere and live boldly for God even without all the answers
Our sovereign God has fulfilled hundreds of prophecies and we can trust Him in the future.
Past Message Series
1 & 2 Thessalonians: Essentials of a Life Pleasing To God
24/7 - Real Faith In Real Life
Behold Our God: A Study of the Names of God
Being Family
Deep Idols
Deeply Rooted | Radically Changed
DOCTRINE - God's Word
Doctrine: Holy Spirit
Entrusted: His Purpose, Our Focus
Esther: Seeing God's Sovereign Hand When He Seems Unseen
Family Discipleship
Father's Day
Following His Lead
Godly Living in an Ungodly World
Godly Living in an Ungodly World - TransFORMED
Hope That Crushes Darkness - Isaiah
Mother's Day
Our Certain Salvation
Playing With Fire
Reproduce: Called To Disciple
Sanctity of Life
The Seven
UnDistracted Godliness
Unshakable: standing with the MOST HIGH
When God Chose Sandals