Integrating Faith and Life In Church Family

Our Young Adult ministry is designed around engaging in ministry, community building, and spiritual growth activities as our young adults continue to integrate into the whole of the church body. They are involved in virtually every ministry on campus and play a vital role at Village. Come be involved!

Regular Activities

Sundays: 11a-noon in the College Room (G102)  Right now we’re studying Biblical Finances. Come join us for discussion centered around God’s Word.

Second Sunday Socializing: We meet at the Laveys' or Gilmores' for food and fellowship.

Thursdays: We meet together with the junior high and high school youth to sing, pray, play, eat and learn from God's Word, sometimes all together, and sometimes in our own group. We are using The Chosen Season Four as our jumping off point for discussion of the gospels.

The young adult groups is led by Pastor Andrew (Pastor Happy) and Amy Gilmore, along with Patrick and Linette Lavey, and Jeremiah Ailes.

Upcoming Events

Christian College Scholarships

We would like to encourage and assist students in attending a Christian college if possible. You may contribute to the scholarship fund, or apply. Check with your college to see if they match church funds!